So what do I want to write? I want to write about Professional Learning Communities, teacher development, and education for the 21st Century. So if these topics interest you, we might have a connection.
During my typical school week, I so look forward to fourth period. Why? In fourth period, I participate in a professional learning community (PLC) with five amazing teach
ers who are committed to learning and rethinking the ways we approach and support the classroom. For the past three weeks, we have been exploring the modeling method of instruction. We investigate, discover, record data, collaborate on interpreting the data, and formulate better understandings of the world. An example of such an investigation is illustrated below with some spring oscillation data we have been collecting. What's more, we work together to devise how we might better create such exciting learning environments and experiences for our students.

As a result of our work in the last three weeks, I have spent the morning studying labor
statistics in an effort to create a learning experience for Economics 8. The investigation has been captivating and invigorating, and I do not even currently teach a section of Economics 8. My PLC peers have inspired me to explore, to ask questions, and to seek for answers. Isn't this exactly what we want for our students? What better way to build such opportunities than to participate in such opportunities ourselves.